Wednesday 12 September 2007


and here's something "salady", but not quite a salad.......

You need:

175g Bulgar Wheat (it lives with the dried pulses etc on the supermarket shelves)
juice of 1 Lemon
3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
40g Chopped Fresh Parsley
3 tablespoons Chopped Fresh Mint (you can leave this out if you prefer)
4 Spring Onions (thinly sliced)
1 Green Pepper (de-seeded and thinly sliced)
6-8 Cherry Tomatoes (quartered)
4-5 Black Olives (thinly sliced)
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Put the Bulgar Wheat into a bowl and add just enough cold water to cover the wheat. Let it stand for a minimum of 30 mins, but up to 2 hours

Drain the Wheat and squeeze the excess water out with your hands. It will swell up and double in size....spread it on some kitchen paper or a dry tea towel, just to dry off any remaining water.

Place the Wheat in large bowl and then add the Lemon Juice, the Oil and a little salt and pepper. Allow this to stand for as long as possible, ideally up to 2 hours. This will allow the flavours to develop.

Add the chopped Parsley, chopped Mint (if using), sliced Onions and the Olives and Tomatoes. Mix everything together well and serve.

makes enough for 3-4 people

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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